December 28, 2011
Welcome to this issue of Janet’s Journal, a First District Report designed to keep you updated on issues and events concerning our communities in Orange County especially in the First District.
I am proud and honored to represent over 600,000 people within the First District covering the cities of Garden Grove, Santa Ana, Westminster and the unincorporated community of Midway City.
I hope you will find this journal informative. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Supervisor Janet NguyenIN THIS ISSUE...4. CALOPTIMA
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Volume 5 Issue 16 Janet's Journal
Another year has come to an end and I am proud to say we have accomplished a lot. In coordination with various county agencies, non-profits, and the business community, we had the 2nd Annual Central County Health Expo and the 2nd Annual Central County Senior Expo; both of which drew thousands in attendance.
My staff and I participated in many community events, grand openings and parades, met with foreign dignitaries, and contributed to forums on topics ranging from transportation to loan modification scam prevention. Additionally, I continue to advocate on behalf of the County in Washington, D.C. and the State. Stay tuned for 2012.
I hope all of you have a safe and happy holiday season and I offer my best wishes for a joyous and successful New Year.Board of Supervisors
New Members Appointed to the Orange County Workforce Investment Board
In Partnership with the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the Orange County Workforce Investment Board (OCWIB) oversees Orange County's workforce development activities and establishes programs in response to the workforce needs of Orange County.
All members of the Board are appointed by the Orange County Board of Supervisors and represent local businesses, education entities, labor organizations, community-based organizations, economic development agencies, One-Stop partners, and others as designated by local elected officials. More than half the members represent the private sector and include owners, chief executives, operating officers and other executives with optimum policymaking or hiring authority.
Among those joining the OCWIB, is Mr. Enrique Perez, the Assistant Vice Chancellor for the Rancho Santiago Community College District for educational Services. He has more than 15 years of experience working with private industry, government and higher education in the area of economic and workforce development.
Also joining the OCWIB is Mr. Jim Clouse, Branch Manager for Manpower. Mr. Clouse is a member of the Professionals in Human Resources Association and the California Logistics Association. He is also an Economic Vitality Member through the Irvine Chamber of Commerce.
Senior Non-Emergency Medical Transport
The Board of Supervisors approved amendments to the New Freedoms Agreement to allow for more funding and extending the term of the contract. The New Freedoms Agreement set up funding for Senior Non-Emergency Medical Transport (SNEMT), which provides non-emergency medical transportation to seniors in need.
During a recent board meeting, the use of existing SNEMT providers was approved for another year. Passage of this item ensures the availability of these services to the seniors living in Orange County.
Child Support Enforcement System
The Board of Supervisors recently approved the request by Social Services Agency (SSA) to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or agreement with the California Department of Child Support Services (CDCSS) for the use of CDCSS’ Child Support Enforcement System. This system allows SSA and CalWORKs staff to access information necessary for verifying program eligibility for child support services.
Maintenance and Facilities Improvement Services for OC Parks
In March of 2010, the Board of Supervisors approved a contract with the Civil Engineering Firm, Winzler & Kelly to provide on-call service for OC Parks for the maintenance and improvement of facilities. Recently the firm merged with GHD, Inc., to become Winzler Kelly & GHD, Inc.
With this and other actions, the staff at OC Parks continues to provide fun and exciting places for you and your family to enjoy. From regional parks, beaches and harbors to historical sites and the OC Zoo, OC Parks strives to maintain the enduring value these sites offer. To learn more, visit www.ocparks.com.
HVAC System at Westminster Library to be Upgraded
An Advertisement for Bids was authorized by the Board of Supervisors for an upgrade of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system at the Westminster branch public library. The aging system does not meet newer Air Quality Management District (AQMD) standards and codes. The bid opening date has been set for January 25, 2012 at 2 p.m.
Revised OC Landbase Fee Schedule
The fee schedule for the OC Landbase system has been revised OC Public Works and approved by the Board of Supervisors. OC Landbase, a Geographic Information System (GIS) was set up in tandem with SoCal Gas to accurately “map” all parcels of land within the County. In 2007 the County purchased all rights to the system from SoCal Gas. Fees have been lowered in an attempt to increase public access. The revised schedule has also implemented three categories of use, individual, municipality and publisher, which determines the price for use of the system. For more information, contact Geomatics/Land Information Systems within OC Public Works at (714) 967-0824.
Orange County Business Council Awards
During a recent Board of Supervisors meeting, Orange County Business Council President, Lucy Dunn, and other representatives of the Orange County Business Council (OCBC) recognized several recipients of the “Turning Red Tape into Red Carpet” awards. These awards, given by OCBC, are designed to honor public agencies that are “cutting through the red tape” and making a more business friendly climate in Orange County.
The winners of this year’s awards include the Orange County Health Care Agency, John Wayne Airport, OC Public Works and Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Campbell. Congratulations to all of the winners especially to Chairman Campbell!
New Bike Cars on Metrolink Trains
Most Metrolink passenger cars can hold up to three bicycles each, but now 12 Bike Cars have been specifically designed to hold up to 18 bikes on the lower level. The added cars will be on 12 trains in Orange County and on a total of 34 trains throughout the five-county system during the week.
The new Bike Cars are identified by a yellow decal on the side of the car or are wrapped entirely with a bike train logo. Visit www.metrolinktrains.com for information and to see a schedule for the Bike Cars.
New Assistant Chief
I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize Division Chief Craig Kinoshita who has been selected as OCFA’s new Assistant Chief of Operations. He is replacing Chief Jorge Camargo upon his retirement. Chief Kinoshita began his career in 1977 as a Paid Call Firefighter in 1977, and has 29 years of experience as a full-time firefighter. In his most recent position, Chief Kinoshita oversaw Division 5, which protects the cities of Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest and Aliso Viejo against fire danger. Congratulations Chief Kinoshita!
OCFA Hires 25 Recruits
The Orange County Fire Authority recently added 25 recruits to its ranks after their successful completion of the fire academy. Over two thousand applied for what became OCFA’s first hiring in over two years. The new hires will help fill the more than 60 vacancies within OCFA, which have been covered through overtime. Congratulations to all the new recruits!CALOPTIMA
Board of Supervisors Votes to Increase Representation on the CalOptima Board of Directors
After the Second Reading of the proposed ordinance, the Board of Supervisors approved the changes to the structure of the CalOptima Board of Directors. The new ordinance allows for 11 members on the Board, increasing it from 9. One of the new seats is designated to be the director of the County’s Social Services Agency and one to a general member of the public. The three Consumer seats were maintained. Additionally, the criterion for the existing seats was clarified.
Throughout the process, there was much discussion and feedback from stakeholders and consumers of CalOptima and the public. We feel that the new board composition will allow CalOptima to better serve the community in light of the ever changing political and economic climate.YOUTH CONNECTION
Project Go (Graffiti Off)
Project GO is a volunteer-based graffiti removal program committed to removing unsightly graffiti in Garden Grove. Take a few hours out of your day to help keep Garden Grove beautiful. For more information, please call Garden Grove Public Works at (714) 741-5375.
Living Healthy With a Chronic Condition Class
Starting on Monday, January 9, 2012 the Orange County Office on Aging will be sponsoring a course on how to live healthy even with a chronic disease/condition. This 6-week course was developed by the Stanford Patient Education Research Center. The class is free, but space is limited. The class will include nutrition and physical activity, goal setting and problem solving, medication usage and relaxation techniques. It will last 6 weeks with one class a week and will run from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
For more information and to sign-up, please call (714) 962-1324.JANET AROUND THE FIRST DISTRICT
Supervisor Janet Nguyen joins Vice Chairman John M. W. Moorlach, Supervisor Pat Bates, Supervisor Shawn Nelson and Chairman Bill Campbell in congratulating Darlene Bloom on her retirement and thanking her for her service to the county as Clerk of the Board.
Final Board of Supervisors meeting of 2011. (Back: l-r) Supervisor Bates, Vice Chairman Moorlach, Chairman Campbell, Supervisor Nguyen and Supervisor Nelson. (Front row: l-r) Nick Chrisos, County Counsel; Darlene Bloom, Clerk of the Board; and Tom Mauk, CEO.
Supervisor Nguyen and Deputy Chief of Staff/Special Assistant Nick Lecong, tour Haster Basin with Mark Denny, Director of OC Parks; Clay Whisenant Program Manager at OC Parks; and Pauline Steele, Project Officer of Grants and Local Services for the California State Department of Parks and Recreation.
Haster Basin is located in Garden Grove and is the site of a proposed flood channel improvement and recreational field project.LOCAL ISSUES
* The following articles are for informational purposes only and are not necessarily intended to imply endorsement or support.Orange County ArmoriesOrange County National Guard armory shelters are seeing higher demand and are in need of donations to help the homeless who are staying at the Santa Ana and Fullerton armories. Mercy House has run the armory program since 2008 providing individuals and families with a safe place to stay, hot shower and nutritious meal during the cold, winter months.The Fullerton Armory opened its doors this year on December 1st, with Santa Ana opening on December 3rd. Both are already seeing an influx of people looking for shelter. Some of the items the armories are in need of are clothing, food (especially breakfast items), soap, shampoo, diapers, toothbrushes and toothpaste. The armories are located at 612 E. Warner Ave. in Santa Ana, and 400 S. Brookhurst St. in Fullerton. For more information, visit www.mercyhouse.net.Traffic Ticket AmnestyFrom January 1 to June 30, 2012, anyone with overdue traffic fines will be eligible to receive a fifty-percent discount from the Administrative Office of the Courts. The overdue traffic fines exclude DUI, reckless driving and parking violations, for tickets that were supposed to have been paid on or before January 1, 2009.After January 1, 2012, contact the Superior Court in the county where the violation occurred. To find the appropriate court, visit www.courts.ca.gov/find-my-court.htm.OC Parks Volunteer OpportunityOC Parks welcomes individuals interested in the Adopt-A-Park Volunteer Program to sign up to help maintain and improve Orange County’s Parks. Sign up as a one-time volunteer or general volunteer and get involved with a variety of events including planting, watering, and other restoration projects. To fill out a volunteer application go online to www.ocparks.com.Water Pollution Prevention HotlineWater pollution prevention is an important is, and it’s the responsibility for us all to protect Orange County’s water. To report a spill, call the Orange County 24-hour Water Pollution Prevention Hotline at 1-877-89-Spill. Grand Jury ApplicantsThe Superior Court of Orange County encourages qualified citizens to apply to serve on the 2012/2013 Grand Jury. Service is a full-time commitment for one year, from July 2, 2012, to June 30, 2013. Nineteen Orange County residents will be selected. View the flyer below for more details.Fountain Valley New Fountain Valley MayorCouncil Member John Collins was sworn in as Mayor of Fountain Valley for the sixth time on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. Council Member Collins served his first term as mayor in 1993 and has become the only other person to serve as many terms as the City’s first mayor, Jim Kanno. Council Member Collins first moved to Fountain Valley in 1974 and has remained active in the city ever since.Fountain Pen Winter 2012 Recreation & Activity Guide Now AvailableThe City of Fountain Valley’s Fountain Pen Winter 2012 Recreation Guide and Activity Guide is now available online on the City’s website at www.fountainvalley.org. Activity, craft and sports league information is available for people of all ages. For more information, please call the Recreation Center and Sports Park at (714) 839-8611.Festival of the Arts SponsorshipsThe Fountain Valley Educational Foundation is looking for sponsors for the upcoming Festival of the Arts. This month-long series of student vocal concerts, orchestral performances and art exhibits is scheduled for March 2012 and will raise funds for Fountain Valley School District’s music and fine arts program. For more information, please call (714) 235-3523. Garden Grove City Hall Closed for End-of-Year Holidays; Street Sweeping Not AffectedIn observance of the end-of-year holidays, Garden Grove City Hall, the Municipal Service Center, and the Community Meeting Center will be closed beginning Friday, December 23, 2011 through Friday, December 30, 2011. Normal business hours will resume on Monday, January 2, 2012.Street sweeping services will not be affected during City Hall closures. For more information on street sweeping, please call the Public Works Department at (714) 741-5382.Daily Hot Lunches for SeniorsCommunity Senior Serv serves hot lunches daily at H. Louis Lake Senior Center in Garden Grove for seniors 60 and older for a suggested donation of $2.50. For those younger than 60, lunch costs $3.50. Bus services are also available to seniors living in Garden Grove who participate in the lunch program.For more information, please call Community Senior Serv at (714) 226-0550.Softball Sign-UpsThe West Grove Girls Softball League is holding the final sign-ups for the spring season on January 4, 2012 for girls aged 5-14. The spring season runs from February through May. Participants may register in person or online at www.westgrovesoftball.com. Sign-ups will be held at Enders Elementary School at 12302 Springdale Street in Garden Grove. Costs for the season are $135 for the 6U division, and $175 for the 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U divisions, and includes a uniform, pictures and a trophy.Santa Ana Santa Ana City Hall ClosureSanta Ana City Hall will be closed for the holiday season from Friday, December 23, 2011 through Monday, January 2, 2012. Also during this time street sweeping will be suspended and accordingly ticketing for parking on street sweeping routes will be suspended as well. City Hall will be closed, however many services will continue to run as usual, including Public Safety, the Zoo and water services.Volunteers Sought for Old Orange County Courthouse ExhibitThe Museum of Teaching and Learning is currently looking for volunteers. Docents are needed to interact with visitors at the Old Orange County for the exhibit, “A Class Action: The Grassroots Struggle for School Desegregation in California.” They are requesting a commitment of two to five hours for one day a week. All volunteers will receive training on the history of the exhibit and successfully engage visitors. The exhibit will run through June 2012. For more information, please contact Carolina Zatary at (909) 287-9509 or email czata001@csu.fullerton.edu.Santa Ana Facebook PageThe City of Santa Ana recently launched a Facebook page, which is available for everyone. On the site participants can view a list of upcoming events, post photos and details of events that have taken place and note contact info and links to other Santa Ana services. Visit the page to find out more about what is happening in Santa Ana at www.facebook.com/pages/City-of-Santa-Ana/200089073336831.Westminster 2011 Citizen and Organization of the Year AwardsNominations for the 2011 Citizen of the Year and Organization of the Year Awards are due January 4, 2012. Winners will be announced February 28th during the Westminster Chamber of Commerce’s Public Service Awards luncheon. For more information, please call (714) 898-9648. Food Truck Tuesdays at Westminster High SchoolSupport Westminster High School's academic incentives program while dining on delicious food. Westminster High School will be hosting the Food Truck every Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 14325 Goldenwest St. For more information, please call (714) 893-1381 or email info@whslions.com. Westminster Winter 2012 Newsletter & Recreation Guide Now AvailableThe City of Westminster’s Winter 2012 Newsletter and Recreation Guide is now available online on the City’s website at www.westminster-ca.gov. The brochure highlights information on youth sports, recreation classes, family resources center, special events and senior center programs. For more information, please call the City of Westminster Community Services and Recreation Department at (714) 895-2860. Applications for the 2012 Tet ParadeThe City of Westminster is now accepting applications from individuals and organizations who want to participate in the 2012 Tet Parade. The upcoming parade will take place on Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. along Bolsa Avenue between Magnolia and Bushard streets in Little Saigon. For more information, please contact (714) 895-2860.
County of Orange
There are currently many new bids to contract with the County of Orange. For more information, please click here.
Community Events
City of Fountain Valley January 7, 2012 – Zumba ClassesWhen you combine Latin and International music with high energy moves and dance, you get Zumba. These classes focus on maximizing fat burning and body toning. The age requirement for the class is 13+, have a $36 or $41 fee, and last 5 weeks. The first class in the season begins Saturday, January 7th and runs from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. For more information, please call the Recreation Center and Sports Park at (714) 839-8611. January 13, 2012 – Get Ready for PreschoolGet your child ready for the classroom in one of two programs beginning Friday, January 13th. The five-week programs are designed to teach children to build self-confidence and work in a group setting. Creative arts, literature, math, science and language arts are all subjects that will be explored during your child’s time in the program. Both sessions meet every Friday between January 13, 2012 and February 10, 2012. The first session is for ages 2 ½ to 4 and runs from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. The second session is for ages 2 to 3 and runs from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fees are $49 for each session with a $20 material cost. Adult attendance is required. For more information, please contact Gina Latora at missginalatora@gmil.com. January 21, 2012 – Free Electronic Recycling EventOn Saturday, January 21st from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. the Fountain Valley Recreation and Community Services Division will be hosting a free electronic recycling event. Bring your old and unused electronics for appropriate disposal to the sports park. Location: Fountain Valley Sports Park, 16400 Brookhurst Street, Fountain Valley. City of Garden Grove January 14, 2011 – First Time Home buyers WorkshopThe City of Garden Grove Community Development Department is now offering free workshops for first-time homebuyers interested in purchasing a home in Garden Grove. The workshops consist of two, four-hour sessions; Session A from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Session B is from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The workshop sessions take place one Saturday per month at the Garden Grove Courtyard Center. Upcoming workshops are scheduled for February 11th and March 10th. Location: Garden Grove Courtyard Center, located in the Village Green at 12732 Main Street For more information, call the City’s Community Development Department at (714) 741-5330. City of Santa Ana January 7, 2012 – Bowers Museum, “The Art of Healthy Aging: Art in the Brain, The Brain in Art”On Saturday, January 7th the Bowers Museum will be hosting Dr. William Shankle, Director of Hoag Hospital’s OC Vital Aging Program and Junko Hara, Ph.D. The two will be discussing the impact Art has on memory and cognition. Also included in the discussion will be the impact of neurological disorders on many famous artists. Tickets are $7 for members and $10 for non-members. Location: Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main Street, Santa Ana. For more information, email education@bower.org or call (714) 567-3677. January 26, 2012 – Santa Ana Comm-Link MeetingOn Thursday, January 26th the City of Santa Ana will be holding its next Comm-Link Meeting. The Communication Linkage Forum of Santa Ana will discuss improving community leadership, participation and unity among the neighborhoods within the city. Santa Ana has 64 recognized neighborhoods and Comm-Link strives to create more interconnectedness and participation among these groups. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and everyone is encouraged to attend the events and are encouraged to share their views. For more information, please visit www.santa-ana.org/cda/com-link.asp. City of Westminster January 2, 2012 – Rose Parade ExcursionThe 123rd Rose Parade is just around the corner, and the City of Westminster is organizing an excursion to Pasadena on Monday, January 2nd from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost of the event is $85 per person, and includes transportation and reserved grandstand seating. Space is limited, so call today for reservations. For more information, please call the Community Services Department at (714) 895-2860. January 9, 2012 – Basketball Skills CampThe Basketball Skills Camp will introduce boys and girls to basketball and emphasize basic fundamentals. Children ages 8 to 12 of all skill levels and abilities are welcome. The camp runs Monday through Friday, January 9th through the 20th from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The fee is $25. Location: Sigler Park, 7200 Plaza Street, WestminsterFor more information, please call the Community Services Department at (714) 741-5200. January 20, 2012 – Senior Winter DanceThe City of Westminster is hosting the 2012 Senior Winter Dance on Friday, January 20th. Tickets for this year’s dance are on sale at the front desk of the Center at Founders Village Senior and Community Center. Cost is a $7 donation. Location: Founders Village, 17967 Bushard Street, Westminster. For more information, please call (714) 593-4446.To contact Supervisor Janet Nguyen, please call 714-834-3110 or email Janet.Nguyen@ocgov.com.Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on the User Profile Page. If you have any questions or problems with the subscription service, e-mail support@govdelivery.com for assistance. Inquiries specific to the County of Orange, California should be directed to webmaster@ocgov.com.This service is provided to you at no charge by the County of Orange, California. Visit us on the web at www.ocgov.com.
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Kizoa slideshow: MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012
F-35B Ship Suitability Testing
Canh buom vuon xuan
Saturday, December 31, 2011
On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 8:58 PM, anthony nguyen <dtttnx1938@yahoo.com> wrote:
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Chúc Mừng Năm Mới - Diễn Hành Hoa Hồng từ California
Chúc Mừng Năm Mới - Diễn Hành Hoa Hồng từ California
3rd Brigade Combat Team Change of Command
Nhạc Phẩm Anh La Ai - Anh Là Ai
"Làm truyền thông, quí vị không có nhiệm vụ phải bảo vệ!" - Vũ Công Lý
Biểu tình lên án VietWeekly và đồng bọn làm tay sai cho Việt Cộng.
Phải Lên Tiếng-Sinh Viên VN bảo Vệ Hoàng Sa,Trường Sa-Ngô Nguyễn Trần
Tôi yêu Tổ quốc tôi
Tin tuc So . net " Viet Nam doi chu quyen Hoang Sa
Lich Su To Quoc Viet Nam
Nam Cali bieu tinh chong Cong ham ban nuoc cua Pham van Dong tren 4000 nguoi tham du
Tai Nam California luc 6PM 14 thang 9 nam 2011, hang ngan dong huong da dung chat khu Tuong Dai Chien Si Viet My, tham du cuoc bieu tinh phan doi TC xam lang VN; vach mat bon CSVN ban nuoc !! Va tranh dau cho nhan quyen VN voi chu de " Dem Thap Nen Niem Tin ".
14-9-11:Bieu tinh chong Tau cong va vc ban nuoc dang bien VN
Lời Kêu Gọi Thanh Niên Việt Nam Yêu Nước
Tự Đốt Xe Phản Đối VC Bán Nước Tại Siêu Thị Co.op Mart, VT
Lao động Trung Quốc quậy phá nhà dân tại Nghi Sơn, Thanh Hóa
Tội ác bán nước của CSVN- Quốc Hận 30/4/1975 - Phần 5
Bản lĩnh người yêu nước : Biểu tình trong đồn CA
26-8-2011 Tin Vietnam:Wikileak, bieu tinh tai Hanoi ky 11
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Thanh nien Co Vang va dong bao VN Nam Cali xuong duong
Biểu Tình Chống Trung Quốc tại VN ngày 05.06.2011
Biểu tình phản đối Trung Quốc gây hấn trên biển Đông ngày 5/6/2011
chùa Hang đảo Lý Sơn - 6 drduongdinhhung Subsc
Tôi Đã Thức Tỉnh - Lê Nguyễn Huy Trần
Mậu Thân, Anh Nhớ Gì Không?
- HUẾ 68 (Nhạc và lời Vĩnh Điện) Tiếng hát Bảo Triều
Tưởng Niệm Huế Tết Mậu Thân (1968)
Tình hình trong nước mấy ngày qua, nhộn nhịp chuẩn bị biểu tình vào
ngày 5 tháng 6/ 2011 tại hai thành phố Sàigon và Hà nội, trước các tòa Đại sứ quán Trung cộng để nói lên sự quyết tâm của toàn dân:
- Phản đối Nhà nước CS quá nhu nhược làm tay sai cho Tàu công đang
hiếp đáp dân lành. Trên biển cả, trong giới hạn Quốc tế đã khằng định theo các hiệp ước qui định, dân chúng VN sống từ đời ông cha để lại chưa bao giờ có một nước nào dám ngang nhiên ngăn cấm việc làm ăn vì cuộc sống độ nhật thường ngày.
- Ngày nay Trung cộng ỷ nước lớn giàu mạnh, lại muốn chiếm đoạt cả miền thềm lục địa VN. Cấm dân làm ăn sinh sống trên biển và hải đảo VN có từ cha ông để lai.
- Người dân biết lượng sức mình, VN chỉ bằng cái chén, Trung cộng là
thúng thì hỏi bằng cách nào mà VN chống đỡ ?!
- Chúng tôi chỉ cần xin các nước trong Liên Hiệp Quốc giúp đỡ và giải quyết công bằng cho con dân VN.
2/ Và hiện nay chúng tôi đồng thông báo cho toàn thế giới chính thức biết rằng: - Chúng tôi nhất quyết chống lại Nhà nước CSVN là tay sai của Đảng CS Nga- Tàu.
3/ Toàn dân VN chỉ mong có một nước VN : - Độc Lập - TựDo - Dân Chủ- Phú Cường. Không lệ thuộc bất cứ nước nào.
4/ Toàn dân VN trong và ngoải nước đồng xuống đường cùng một ngày hôm nay để biểu thị tính thông cảm, tình Đồng bào ruột thịt để nói lên tiếng nói chung: - Đảng CSVN chỉ là tay Sai thủ đắc, che giấu làm Việt gian cho Đảng CSQT Nga - Tàu mà thôi !
5/ Trong suốt 64-65 năm qua, dưới chế độ CS chưa bao giờ có Độc lập - Tự Do - Dân chủ. Toàn dân VN hôm nay đồng nói lên nguyện vọng chung : - Chúng tôi cần Quốc tế hóa VN. Không để các nước lớn lợi dụng Đảng phái riêng tư mà làm thiệt hại nước nhỏ bé VN ?!
Trân trọng,
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